CAXA DRAFT is a powerful 2D design system directly embedded as a standard drafting environment inside of IRONCAD . This environment has the full capability of a standalone 2D application as well as tools to detail 3D data from the IRONCAD application.
Users can use the 2D environment to maintain and edit legacy DWG/DXF data or even create new 2D designs using a familiar interface found in the industry. In addition, a "3D Interface" ribbon tab is available to allow the user the ability to detail 3D designs using standard views, section views, detail views, and many others useful to layout the design data while having full association to the 3D scene data.
Using the full capabilities of the 2D application, users can annotate and create bill of material information to fully complete the design. This environment is accessed by select the New or New CAXA Draft Document command on the Quick Access Toolbar.